The First Week
Invest your time in lots of Breastfeeding . . . it will pay off!
What to expect? Feed, Sleep, Feed, Sleep, Feed, Feed, Feed!!
First 24 hrs:
-Alert and awake, primed for feeding
-If breastfeeding is effective, there is a period of sleep
- Great time to recover, get a good rest
2nd night:
- Your baby may want to feed lots! This is normal
- Spend as much time skin to skin and be prepared
- Rest when baby is sleeping
Day 3:
- The milk comes in: Feed baby as often as possible
- Baby blues: Huge changes in hormones take place. You may feel a bit teary and emotional for a day or two.
-PKU test - a heel prick blood test that can pick up more than 20 metabolic disorders
Within the first week:
- A health professional will do a full baby check including weight
- Your milk should have come in and baby is feeding by supply and demand
- Feeding lots in the first few weeks will set up more prolactin receptors, resulting in long term milk supply
- If you're not sure about feeding, get help as soon as possible