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Day 3-5

Day 3-5

  This is an exciting time as your milk will ‘come in’ anywhere from about 72 hours onwards. You’ll notice more frequent swallowing (a 1:1 or 1:2 suck/swallow ratio) and...

Day 3-5

  This is an exciting time as your milk will ‘come in’ anywhere from about 72 hours onwards. You’ll notice more frequent swallowing (a 1:1 or 1:2 suck/swallow ratio) and...

Day 1-3

Day 1-3

  Ideally your baby will have had her first feed within the first hour of birth. Many babies are pretty sleepy for the first day so take the opportunity to...

Day 1-3

  Ideally your baby will have had her first feed within the first hour of birth. Many babies are pretty sleepy for the first day so take the opportunity to...

Signs there may be a problem with feeding

Signs there may be a problem with feeding

Urine- less than 6-8 wet nappies in 24hrs Stools - fewer than 2 in 24 hrs -  Jaundice - worsening or not improving Lethargic baby Not waking for feeds Poor...

Signs there may be a problem with feeding

Urine- less than 6-8 wet nappies in 24hrs Stools - fewer than 2 in 24 hrs -  Jaundice - worsening or not improving Lethargic baby Not waking for feeds Poor...

Signs of Effective Feeding in the Early days

Signs of Effective Feeding in the Early days

Urine - 6-8 heavily soaked in 24 hrs Stools - 2 in 24 hrs yellow colour Normal skin colour, alert, good tone Hasn't lost more than 10% of their Birth...

Signs of Effective Feeding in the Early days

Urine - 6-8 heavily soaked in 24 hrs Stools - 2 in 24 hrs yellow colour Normal skin colour, alert, good tone Hasn't lost more than 10% of their Birth...

Insufficent Milk supply Questionaire

Insufficent Milk supply Questionaire

  Breasts didn't change size during pregnancy or after birth? Breast hypoplasia? Abnormal breast development as a teenager? PCOS? Abnormal thyroid function or diabetes? IVF pregnancy? Hypertension throughout pregnancy? Post...

Insufficent Milk supply Questionaire

  Breasts didn't change size during pregnancy or after birth? Breast hypoplasia? Abnormal breast development as a teenager? PCOS? Abnormal thyroid function or diabetes? IVF pregnancy? Hypertension throughout pregnancy? Post...

Is my baby waking overnight because I'm breastfeeding?

Is my baby waking overnight because I'm breastf...

There are so many reasons your baby or toddler may wake throughout the night; too hot, too cold, hungry, lonely, teething, milestone, developmental leap, growth spurt.......Night time wakings are normal,...

Is my baby waking overnight because I'm breastf...

There are so many reasons your baby or toddler may wake throughout the night; too hot, too cold, hungry, lonely, teething, milestone, developmental leap, growth spurt.......Night time wakings are normal,...